What's Ahimsa To A Puppy?
I've known Daisy dog for all of four months and she continually amazes me. She's sweet, she's playful and she's smart. But there are two things that really unnerve me about Daisy: 1. She likes to chew on the edges of expensive rugs (sorry, slight tangent from my main point) and 2. She is EXTREMELY aggressive with her toys, especially the poor hedgehog in this video.
Reading "Inside of a Dog" right now, I am hoping to stumble upon a passage that will help me understand what the experience of destroying a feaux animal is like for Daisy so that I can reframe it as something other than pure aggression. Until I find that passage however, I am thinking of how my teacher describes ahimsa as non-judgement in addition to non-violence. It is that act of non-judgement - unconditional love - that reminds me not to expect my puppy to be a peacemaker, only to expect her to be herself.
Next on my list of things to do to better understand Daisy: doga...
Anyone else tried it?
Hannah Leatherbury is a registered yoga teacher with the Yoga Alliance (RYT-200) and a blogger within the Yoga Journal Community. She received her training in Classical Hatha yoga in 2009 and has been teaching ever since. Her interest in movement and wellness evolved from a childhood filled with dance training in tap, jazz, ballet and modern coupled with a post-college urge to stay active and healthy. She has a B.A. in Creative Writing from Goucher College. You can contact her via her blog http://community.yogajournal. com/saturn_shows_up or at hleatherbury [at] hotmail.com
Reading "Inside of a Dog" right now, I am hoping to stumble upon a passage that will help me understand what the experience of destroying a feaux animal is like for Daisy so that I can reframe it as something other than pure aggression. Until I find that passage however, I am thinking of how my teacher describes ahimsa as non-judgement in addition to non-violence. It is that act of non-judgement - unconditional love - that reminds me not to expect my puppy to be a peacemaker, only to expect her to be herself.
Next on my list of things to do to better understand Daisy: doga...
Anyone else tried it?
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